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Home » News » Community Consultation – Have Your Say – Proposal for two padel tennis courts, within the existing tennis club grounds, 3 Goldie Street, St Heliers

Community Consultation – Have Your Say – Proposal for two padel tennis courts, within the existing tennis club grounds, 3 Goldie Street, St Heliers

Proposal for two padel tennis courts, within the existing Tennis Club Grounds at 3 Goldie Street, St Heliers.

Closing date for submissions: 5.00 pm, Monday 31 March 2025

Auckland Council gives notice under section 6(1)(d) of the Auckland City Council (St Heliers Bay Reserve) Act 1995 and the Reserves Act 1977 of the proposal by the St Heliers Tennis Club (the Club) to convert one existing tennis court into two padel tennis courts, at the Vellenoweth Green, 3 Goldie Street, St Heliers.

The council can only consent to this proposal if, following this consultation, the council reasonably considers that the proposal would either:

  • not result in a material increase in the intensity or scale of the Club’s use of its leased site, or change to its character; or
  • be in pursuance of or ancillary to the Club’s activities as stipulated in its lease.

The proposed padel tennis courts will be contained within the St Heliers Tennis Club’s existing lease area. Some minor earthworks will be required to facilitate the removal of the existing tennis court and replacing it with two new padel tennis courts. This will include the laying of a concrete pad or equivalent and replacement of existing external fencing with the fencing/glass surrounds for the padel tennis courts. The proposal also involves the installation of four (4) lights on four (4) poles up to a maximum height of six (6) metres around the courts.

Any person wishing to comment, make a submission on or an objection to this proposal is to send this in writing to Darren Cunningham, Land Use Manager, Parks and Community Facilities, Auckland Council.

Information provided to the Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and may be released by the Council under that Act.

To make a submission, or request further information please contact: Darren Cunningham –

Land Use Manager, Parks and Community Facilities, Auckland Council

Private Bag 92300, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142